Once More with Feeling
Once More with Feeling is a collection of poems that takes us through urban and personal landscapes. It shows us particular landmarks of New York, as well as a particular New York, one lived through the experience of a speaker that boldly expresses anecdotes of all hues. This is a book about her relationship with a place that has been appropriated into a personal space. The reader is privy to the negotiations that take place in the construction of relationships. Once More with Feeling is an honest and gritty book that invites us to experience the connection between the self, the spaces we inhabit, and the people who share these spaces with us.
“To look; to see; to listen as a mind both oscillates and 'readies its key,' using the poem as both portal and tool; to balance a spacious consciousness with the thrum and verve of urban landscape: these are the gifts of Tina Cane's poems. Simultaneously patient in their thinking and dynamically inclusive, these poems of place—the Lower East Side, Hell's Kitchen—with grit and grace navigate through and beyond neighborhood and family, eager for both presence and evolution. Her work, 'every bit of it something/wanting to happen,' both smokes and breathes, 'wanting to do both all the same'—it brings vice, complaint, celebration, and elegy to bear in poems where minor keys blossom into major vision. This is a worthy and moving debut.”
—Michael Morse, author of Void and Compensation
Tina Cane was born in Hell’s Kitchen, NYC. She attended the University of Vermont, the Sorbonne and completed her master’s degree in French Literature at the University of Paris IX-Nanterre. She is the founder and director of Writers-in-the-Schools, RI. Over the past twenty years, Cane has taught French, English, and creative writing in public and private schools throughout New York City and Rhode Island. Cane’s poems and translations have appeared in numerous journals including Spinning Jenny, Tupelo Quarterly, Cargo, Two Serious Ladies, The Birmingham Review and The Good Men Project. She is the author of The Fifth Thought (Other Painters Press, 2008). Cane was the 2016 recipient for the Fellowship Merit Award in Poetry from the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts.
Tina Cane's website: tinacane.ink
Cover image by Pedro Pérez del Solar