Veliz Books is an independent literary press dedicated to discovering, publishing, and promoting work from emerging and established authors. We seek quality and original literature written in English. Veliz Books is also committed to publishing translations into English from Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, or Portuñol.

* Our reading period is from March 5th through May 5th of each year.
* Selected manuscripts receive a contract, $500, publication, and author copies.
* To submit a manuscript, please only use our electronic submissions manager.



  • To do our small part in trying to address the publishing industry's historical underrepresentation of minoritized writers, Veliz Books is offering the option of free submission for authors who identify as such.

  • Reading fee for all other submissions: $20 (multiple submissions allowed); reading fee is non-refundable.

  • Include a cover letter of no more than one page briefly describing the work and the author’s background and contact information.

  • Please include a table of contents.

  • Selected manuscripts receive a contract, $500, publication, and author copies.

  • Simultaneous submissions are okay. Please state so in the cover letter, and please inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

  • Please allow a minimum of three months for reply.

  • To submit and to read genre-specific guidelines, click here.


  • Manuscripts should be between 50-80 pages long.

  • Please include an acknowledgments page listing the poems that have been published elsewhere.

  • Previously published collections are not eligible, including self-published collections available as ebooks or in print.


  • Manuscripts should be between 100-250 pages long.

  • Please include an acknowledgments page listing the stories that have been published elsewhere.

  • Previously published collections are not eligible, including self-published collections available as ebooks or in print.


  • We accept creative nonfiction in the form of memoirs and collections of personal essays.

  • Manuscripts should be between 100-250 pages long.

  • Please include an acknowledgments page listing the sections that have been published elsewhere.

    Previously published books are not eligible, including self-published texts available as ebooks or in print.


  • At the moment Veliz Books is only accepting submissions for translations into English from Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, and Portuñol.

  • Please submit your translations with the original as a single file.

  • Translators must hold the necessary rights and permissions for the original work, unless it is in the public domain. Please provide copyright information (the name of the copyright holder and the year of original publication) for the original work.

  • Please include an acknowledgments page listing the stories/poems that have been published elsewhere.

  • Previously published collections are not eligible, including self-published collections available as ebooks or in print.

  • Please provide a short bio for the translator(s) and original author(s).

Veliz Books es una editorial independiente dedicada a descubrir, publicar y promover obras de autores nueves y consolidades. Buscamos literatura de calidad escritas en inglés, así como traducciones al inglés del español, portugués, gallego o portuñol.

* Nuestro periodo de lectura anual es del 5 de marzo al 5 de mayo.
* Los manuscritos seleccionados reciben un contrato, publicación, $500 y copias para les autores.
* Para enviar su manuscrito utilice nuestro portal de envíos.


  • Para hacer nuestra pequeña parte en tratar de abordar la histórica subprepresentación en la industria editorial de escritores de comunidades minorizadas, Veliz Books ofrece la opción de enviar su manuscrito de forma gratuita a autores que se identifiquen como parte de estas comunidades.

  • Tarifa de lectura para los demás envíos: $20 dólares (se aceptan envíos múltiples); la tarifa de lectura no es reembolsable.

  • Por favor incluya una carta de presentación de no más de una página donde describa brevemente la obra y la biografía del autor junto con su información de contacto.

  • Por favor incluya un índice.

  • Los manuscritos elegidos recibirán un contrato, $500, publicación, y copias para el autor.

  • Se permite envíos simultáneos. En caso de que su manuscrito sea aceptado por otra editorial por favor notifíquenos a la brevedad.

  • Permita un plazo de por lo menos tres meses para recibir respuesta.

  • Para enviar su trabajo y leer bases específicas para cada género, pulse aquí.


  • La extensión mínima deberá ser de 50 páginas y la máxima de 80.

  • El manuscrito deberá incluir una lista de créditos para todos los poemas del mismo que ya hayan sido publicados.

  • Todos los manuscritos deberán ser inéditos.


  • La extensión mínima deberá ser de 100 páginas y la máxima de 250.

  • El manuscrito deberá incluir una lista de créditos para todos los cuentos/fragmentos del mismo que hayan sido publicados.

  • Todos los manuscritos deberán ser inéditos.


  • Aceptamos no ficción en formato de ensayos, crónicas y memorias.

  • La extensión mínima deberá ser de 100 páginas y la máxima de 250.

  • El manuscrito deberá incluir una lista de créditos para todos los fragmentos del mismo que hayan sido publicados.

  • Todos los manuscritos deberán ser inéditos.