One of These Days
One of These Days by Trent D. Hudley is a collection of short stories that range from the fantastic to the mundane. The book as a whole asks the existential question of how does one create meaning in an ungraspable universe. As the characters struggle to conceptualize their lives, they grapple with violence, environmental issues, and inequality as pertains to race, gender, and socio-economic status. Each character faces different challenges and situations that defy their attempts at apprehending them. Some of the characters, because of their chauvinistic language and view of the world, are condemned to perpetually inhabit the same limited spaces they seek to escape. Others are in search of connections with those around them and with their ability to articulate their desires and identities. However, as Nancy Stohlman points out, “These are not stories without hope; One of These Days is a book striving for redemption.”
"Trent D. Hudley is a brave, new writer with great compassion and haunting vision. Reading the stories in One of these Days, we enter the dreamlike gates of purgatory and are witness to great eruptions of sadness, rage, and joy. Hudley's nuanced portraits explore the depths of human psyche and shed light on our limitless capacity for grief and hope."
—Tyrone Jaeger, author of So Many True Believers and The Runaway Note
Trent D. Hudley is a professor of English. He teaches in the Creative Writing MA Program at Regis University; he also teaches at Metropolitan State University, and the Community College of Denver. He earned his BA from Metropolitan State University and his MFA from the University of Texas at El Paso. He was raised in Denver, Colorado, and before he entered the world of academia he held a multitude of positions including working in the Denver Post Sports Room, janitor, kitchen manager, painter, cashier, and a multitude of other similar jobs. He lives in Denver in the company of his friends, family, and his daughter.
Cover image by Daniel Barbeito